Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What is this Blog about?

I had to think and re-think over and over again what should I write for my first post. Eventually came up with the idea of giving a little bit of background on the blog and me. My name is Dimitri Medori, I am 25 years old and I am currently enrolled in a Master’s Degree Program in Entertainment Business. I have a bachelor’s in Mass Media Communications and I’ve been working as a Producer for TV networks and music videos, Manager of Live Sports events, as well as a consultant for Marketing Strategies, Corporative Image and Communications.

My passion dwells in the world of Arts & Entertainment, films, books, comic-books, music, painting, drawing, live shows; for me all this arts together make the world an awesome place to live in, that is why I want to bring this arts to the people, in my role as a producer or simply as the middle-guy who connects you the costumer, the consumer the entertained with the message and information the artist wants to convey.

Post after post I will talk about different works of production and marketing either on Media (Television, Radio, Cinema, Video Games, etc.) or Live shows that are groundbreaking in the way they manage to bring the entertainment to the consumer. I will also talk about certain skills that every Entrepreneur or Intrapreneur has to develop in order to become a leader in the Entertainment Business.

Another take on my post will be about how to access information to all this skills and tips necessary to aid us in our quest to leadership in this business. I will recommend books, Internet articles, as well as magazines and newspapers and videos, where information about this business reachable, unbiased and trust worthy.

To wrap this up I’d like to add a video about Dr. Randy Pausch that shows how important is to keep fighting no matter what and how can people be influence by it.

And just to recommend one of my favorite web pages about Business ideas and resources for Entrepreneurs.

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